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CAN-TECH is committed to keeping our member informed about Canadian legal developments as well as about international developments that may have an impact on Canada. Our quarterly Newsletter is just one one of the many resources available to our members.

CAN-TECH Newsletter English Editors 

David Fraser, Privacy Lawyer, Partner at McInnes Cooper

Robert Currie, Professor of Law; Distinguished Research Professor at Dalhousie University

CAN-TECH Newsletter french Editors 

Pierre Trudel, professeur émérite à l'Université de Montréal

L’information pour le volet francophone du Bulletin est compilée par France Abran <> et Pierre Trudel <> du Centre de recherche en droit public de l’Université de Montréal


If you have comments or suggestions about this newsletter, please contact Professor Robert Currie at or David Fraser at

Disclaimer: The CAN-TECH Newsletter is intended to provide readers with notice of certain new developments and issues of legal significance. It is not intended to be a complete statement of the law, nor is it intended to provide legal advice. No person should act or rely upon the information in the CAN-TECH Newsletter without seeking specific legal advice.

CAN-TECH will from time to time reproduce in this newsletter passages from the cases, decisions or developments that are discussed. These references are included to highlight important legal issues or aspects of the case, decision or development. If you have any questions or comments concerning the newsletter or its contents including in respect of the items that are covered, please contact CAN-TECH President Andrew Alleyne at

© 2024 by Robert Currie and David Fraser. Members of CAN-TECH may circulate this newsletter within their organizations. All other copying, reposting or republishing of this newsletter, in whole or in part, electronically or in print, is prohibited without express written permission.


Canadian Technology Law Association

1-189 Queen Street East

Toronto, ON M5A 1S2

Copyright © 2025 The Canadian Technology Law Association, All rights reserved.